Implementing advanced safety tech can minimize collisions
Today, the goal at McKenzie Tank Lines is the Holy Grail: zero avoidable collisions among its 275-tractor, 680-tr…
Implementing advanced safety tech can minimize collisions
Today, the goal at McKenzie Tank Lines is the Holy Grail: zero avoidable collisions among its 275-tractor, 680-tr…
Truck tires are going to get more expensive
It’s been years since tire manufacturers have raised prices, so the recent announcements of 7-8% increases across the boa…
A year into the ‘landmark’ right-to-repair agreement designed to provide independent truck service centers the same diagnostics and repair information the dealer networks receive (ensuring that truck operators have service options a…
Hirschbach Motor Lines recognized for its energy efficiency efforts
when hirschbach motor lines was named as a recipient of a 2016 SmartWay Excellence Award from the U.S. …
Data at the heart of new maintenance tactics
When Dennis Reynolds started the tanker fleet that bears his name some 40 years ago, he believed strongly in the “do-it-…
Concern over pending regulations is clearly on the rise
This time of year always seems to accompany uncertainty and unpredictability when it comes to weather. As I write t…
Annual conference ushers new era of standards excellence
The NPTC 2017 Annual Education Management Conference & Exhibition will be filled with the largest and most com…
The focus for Page Trucking is always on the ‘right way’
“We’re not discouraged by increasing regulatory compliance because it keeps bad actors out and allows us to secure more business,” says Dan Titus, president of Weedsport, NY-based Page Trucking. “Regulations drive change in our markets. New materials added to hazardous waste categories can lead to more stringent rules for their transportation on trucks, but it also means they are available to us as one of a very few completely qualified hazardous waste transporters in North America.”
Manager: Jeff Wessels, maintenance division chief
Company: Ryder System Inc.
Operation: Installation Materiel Maintenance Activity (IMMA) Allied Trades team, Fort McCoy, WI
When you’re tasked to help provide logistics support to any …
The largest clean fleet event returns to Southern California
This year is shaping up to be a momentous year for clean transportation across the country—with …