With the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) poised to roll back ambitious corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards put in place by the Obama administration nearly six years ago – standards automakers claimed would’ve saddled them …
Category: News
Roadrunner Secures Additional Working Capital, Forbearance Provision
Roadrunner Transportation Systems Inc. reached agreement with its lender group on an interim credit-facility amendment, which provides additional working capital loans and a forbearance provision, while working toward a previously announced long-term l…
Not your father’s shop
Everything’s changing. How about you?
Every March we put together an entire issue focused solely on the shop and have done so for the 32 years I’ve been at Fleet Owner. Reading through the feature stories in this issue, it suddenly struck me that everyone has been so focused on managing some truly massive changes in the trucking industry that we sometimes forget to appreciate just how pervasive and transformative those changes have been for your maintenance operations.
Not your father’s shop
Everything’s changing. How about you?
Every March we put together an entire issue focused solely on the shop and have done so for the 32 years I’ve been at Fleet Owner. Reading through the feature stories in this issue, it suddenly struck me that everyone has been so focused on managing some truly massive changes in the trucking industry that we sometimes forget to appreciate just how pervasive and transformative those changes have been for your maintenance operations.
Vocational Profile: Driving forward
The focus for Page Trucking is always on the ‘right way’
“We’re not discouraged by increasing regulatory compliance because it keeps bad actors out and allows us to secure more business,” says Dan Titus, president of Weedsport, NY-based Page Trucking. “Regulations drive change in our markets. New materials added to hazardous waste categories can lead to more stringent rules for their transportation on trucks, but it also means they are available to us as one of a very few completely qualified hazardous waste transporters in North America.”
Ex-Port Authority Chairman Avoids Prison for ‘Chairman’s Flight’
The former public official who pressured United Airlines to fly to an airport near his South Carolina weekend home was spared prison by a judge who sentenced him to a year of confinement in the same house, located in an affluent equestrian community.
Maintenance Bay: DIY parts and paint
Manager: Jeff Wessels, maintenance division chief
Company: Ryder System Inc.
Operation: Installation Materiel Maintenance Activity (IMMA) Allied Trades team, Fort McCoy, WI
When you’re tasked to help provide logistics support to any …
ACT Expo sets 2017 program
The largest clean fleet event returns to Southern California
This year is shaping up to be a momentous year for clean transportation across the country—with …
Trucking lost in translation
Is the disconnect with the general public partly a language barrier?
One of the first things I stumbled upon in trucking is a sort of “great divide.” There&rsq…
3D-printed spare parts
The future, or just a pipe dream?
Considering the sensation that 3d printing, a.k.a. additive manufacturing, has created in the public’s mind for the last several ye…