Category: News

Guess not

Whether you know it or not, your fleet may be making assumptions in your operations—routing and transit times, time for deliveries, and more—and they may be incorrect. Putting hard data to those assumptions and guesswork can make the fleet more efficient and improve things for both drivers and the business in ways you didn’t expect.

Inspectors Learn, Train as Part of CVSA Competition

COLUMBUS, Ohio — As the nation’s top truck drivers descend on Ohio’s capital for the National Truck Driving Championships, a smaller group of safety enthusiasts — 52 law enforcement officials — have convened to determine who among them is the champion inspector.

Coming Aug. 22: LiveOnWeb's 'Orchestrating the Supply Chain'

What are shippers doing to orchestrate the supply chain? How are they tackling capacity, service, visibility and control? That’s the focus of our Aug. 22 LiveOnWeb program, “Orchestrating the Supply Chain.” Save your seat, watch a preview or ask a question in advance.

Turkey to Step Up Tariffs on US Products

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkey on Aug. 15 said it is increasing tariffs on imports of certain U.S. products, including rice, cars, alcohol and coal — escalating a feud with the United States that has helped trigger a currency crisis.