Category: Autonomous Vehicles

Automated trucks and the role of the commercial driver

ATA’s Cammisa explained autonomous technologies will be implemented to make truck drivers safer and more productive.

ATLANTA. In a world where trucks are able to fully drive themselves, there still will be a role for the commercial driver. But that role is going to change.

Michael Cammisa, vice president of safety policy, connectivity and technology, for the American Trucking Assns., discussed technology, policy and businesses perspectives as they relate to driving change in automated trucking during TU-Automotive’s Connected Fleets conference here in Atlanta.

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Automated trucks and the role of the commercial driver

ATA’s Cammisa explained autonomous technologies will be implemented to make truck drivers safer and more productive.

ATLANTA. In a world where trucks are able to fully drive themselves, there still will be a role for the commercial driver. But that role is going to change.

Michael Cammisa, vice president of safety policy, connectivity and technology, for the American Trucking Assns., discussed technology, policy and businesses perspectives as they relate to driving change in automated trucking during TU-Automotive’s Connected Fleets conference here in Atlanta.

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